How to Give
We hope you will give at True North out of a thoughtful and cheerful response to all God has done in your life! Automatic giving options below help you make that intention a reality.

More info about the 2024 Legacy Offering!
Legacy means “lasting impact.” Our focus for our Legacy Offering 2024 is how Each One of us can make a lasting impact through our generosity for the sake of Every One. This year, our Legacy Offering has three ways you can choose from to participate. Hit the + button to expand the options and learn more.
If you’ve not yet begun the journey of giving as a follower of Jesus, it can be hard to know where to begin. These three principles are a good place to start.
Priority: Scripture teaches us to put God first in our finances. When we make our giving to God the first priority in our finances, it is a practical way we begin to make Him and His mission first in our lives. We begin to seek God and His Kingdom above me and my kingdom.
Proportionally: Scripture also teaches the idea of giving a proportion of what we have, in accordance with what God has entrusted to us. The biblical standard of the tithe [10%], is a helpful place to begin the conversation. But it is important to remember it is not a law that will make God love us more if we follow it or less if we don’t. Rather, it is a principle that leads to our freedom and the abundant life God wants for us.
Prayerfully: The principles of prioritising God and giving proportionally are great starting points, but the key is to do them prayerfully. Giving is always an opportunity to grow closer to God as a steward, recognising all we have belongs to God. The best way to decide what you will give is by asking Him, “Lord, out of all you have put in my hands, would you have me give back to you through your church?”
Once you have determined what you will give, you can set up your giving digitally or bring your offerings with you to a Sunday service where it can be given as part of our worship gatherings. To give digitally click here.
Generosity is about going above and beyond. If you already are a regular giver at True North, we invite you to prayerfully consider an above and beyond offering to accelerate our mission. If you are bringing a special offering as a gift, please bring or deposit your gift between 26 November and 15th December. Click here to give via or write “Legacy Offering” in the description of your direct deposit, or bring an envelope with you to a worship gathering with “Legacy” written on it.
Our encouragement is to consider which step is most appropriate for you. The best thing you can do is simply pray, “Lord, of everything you have put in my hands, how can I best play my part in this offering for the sake of your mission?”.
If Each One who calls True North takes this step, we will leave a lasting impact for Every One! Have a look at what we have been able to see God do this past 12 months through your faithful and generous giving!

More info about the 2024 Legacy Offering!
Legacy means “lasting impact.” Our focus for our Legacy Offering 2024 is how Each One of us can make a lasting impact through our generosity for the sake of Every One. This year, our Legacy Offering has three ways you can choose from to participate. Hit the + button to expand the options and learn more.
If you’ve not yet begun the journey of giving as a follower of Jesus, it can be hard to know where to begin. These three principles are a good place to start.
Priority: Scripture teaches us to put God first in our finances. When we make our giving to God the first priority in our finances, it is a practical way we begin to make Him and His mission first in our lives. We begin to seek God and His Kingdom above me and my kingdom.
Proportionally: Scripture also teaches the idea of giving a proportion of what we have, in accordance with what God has entrusted to us. The biblical standard of the tithe [10%], is a helpful place to begin the conversation. But it is important to remember it is not a law that will make God love us more if we follow it or less if we don’t. Rather, it is a principle that leads to our freedom and the abundant life God wants for us.
Prayerfully: The principles of prioritising God and giving proportionally are great starting points, but the key is to do them prayerfully. Giving is always an opportunity to grow closer to God as a steward, recognising all we have belongs to God. The best way to decide what you will give is by asking Him, “Lord, out of all you have put in my hands, would you have me give back to you through your church?”
Once you have determined what you will give, you can set up your giving digitally or bring your offerings with you to a Sunday service where it can be given as part of our worship gatherings. To give digitally click here.
Generosity is about going above and beyond. If you already are a regular giver at True North, we invite you to prayerfully consider an above and beyond offering to accelerate our mission. If you are bringing a special offering as a gift, please bring or deposit your gift between 26 November and 15th December. Click here to give via or write “Legacy Offering” in the description of your direct deposit, or bring an envelope with you to a worship gathering with “Legacy” written on it.
Legacy Investment Accounts: Through Churches of Christ Financial Services (CCFS), you are able to open your own ‘investment account’ with CCFS. These accounts work much like a home offset account works, except that the church receives the reduced interest instead of your own. In short, you are able to place funds in your ‘investment’ account, which sits against our church mortgage, and is held by CCFS. You retain full ownership over your funds, and are in essence only ‘giving’ the interest you might have otherwise benefited from. The minimum balance to open an account is $5,000 and the funds require 30 days notice to withdraw. As we build our ‘offset’ account, we can accelerate repayment of our loan and be part of leaving a Legacy for the next generation of creative mission.
Click here to receive more information about the Legacy Investment offset acount.
Our encouragement is to consider which step is most appropriate for you. The best thing you can do is simply pray, “Lord, of everything you have put in my hands, how can I best play my part in this offering for the sake of your mission?”.
If Each One who calls True North takes this step, we will leave a lasting impact for Every One! Have a look at what we have been able to see God do this past 12 months through your faithful and generous giving!
Online Giving Options:
1. Start a '' account
It’s safe, secure, and easy to use! Click on “recurring” and when you set up a gift to “offerings”
You can also tick “cover fees” to pay for online transaction fees we incur.
2. Start your online deposit
Go to your own online banking and create an automatic payment. Set the amount, frequency, and use these details below:
BSB: 703 810 Account No: 05300928
Name: True North Church
Bank: Church of Christ Financial Services (Indue Ltd)
Why we Give:
- “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Watch this video from Senior Pastor Dean Groetzinger about heart behind generosity.
Watch this encouraging message from Ps Dean about finding freedom & vision in your finances