
Easter Sunday

Join us on Easter Sunday for Services across 4 locations in Perth, from 6am to 5pm! This will be an incredible opportunity to celebrate our risen king and to invite your friends and family to do the same. We will also have an Easter Festival for kids ages 1-12, with games, easter eggs and lots of family fun together. Click before for all the info you need!
Merriwa: 6am & 10am | Mullaloo: 10am | Yanchep 330pm | City: 5pm

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Tenebrae Services

“As we approach Good Friday and Easter Thursday, we invite you to join us once again for a powerful and deeply moving Tenebrae service 🕯️ remembering Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross. We’ll hear scripture readings, sing hymns, and extinguish candles as we journey through the Passion narrative. Click below for all the info you need!

Easter Thursday: 630pm @ City, Ross Memorial Church
Good Friday: 10am @ Mullaloo & Merriwa

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